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Image by Jacqueline Munguía

Tips to build and grow a successful Hub

Keeping your community engaged and communicating successfully is essential. Below you'll  find some practical tips from experts to help you grow.

1) Welcome the new members of your Hub

When you welcome new members of your Hub, you automatically establish a personal connection with that member right from day one. This connection helps your members feel included and comfortable enough to open up so they can share their thoughts easily with other members of the group. Members who have joined your Hub in the last 7 days are considered new members. 

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Image by Tim Mossholder
Image by Zachary Nelson
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2) Make It Easy for Members to Engage With Your Group

When you welcome new members of your Hub, you automatically establish a personal connection with that member right from day one. This connection helps your members feel included and comfortable enough to open up so they can share their thoughts easily with other members of the group. Members who have joined your Hub in the last 7 days are considered new members. 

Storytelling, especially visual storytelling, is a great way to engage your Hub audience. Post useful content and videos that portray a story that ignites the passion that all members share. You can ask members to submit their images so you can share them with the entire group. This is a great way to generate lots of engagement. 

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Story Time

3) Use the power of storytelling

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Image by Rachel

4) Post Polls, Surveys and Quizzes

There is nothing better than a poll, survey or a quiz to keep your members hooked. Positive engagement happens when you directly ask your members for their comments and opinions. Posting a poll, survey or quiz lets hub members quickly share their opinion and engagement happens almost instantly. One of the best ways of using a poll is to identify the current trends related to your niche and create a poll based on that. 

Posting direct questions is a simple but great way to get the conversation rolling. Think of question as a call to action that persuades people to quickly jump into the conversation and share their thoughts. You can ask the following question types with your group members:


Closed questions like “Do you like the new Apple iPhone?” People will respond to it with a straight ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.
Open-ended questions like “What did you like the most about the new Apple iPhone?” There can’t be a straight answer to this question and every member will answer differently.

Image-based questions where an image is shared along with the question so that people are able to grasp the question easily. 


Debate-oriented questions like “Do you think homework should be banned?” People can respond and share their answers either supporting the argument or answering against it.


General questions like “Who is your favourite actor?” These types of questions are a no-brainer. It’s easy, simple and people like to jump into these conversations.

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In the Classroom

5) Ask Questions

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Image by Randy Tarampi

6) Post Photo Quotes

Picture quotes work really well for increasing engagement. You can literally rock your Hub marketing strategy with it!


You need to find a simple photo and add an inspirational or humorous quote to it. Once done, share it with your members and people will start reacting to it.


The key here is to find images that match well with the genre of your group. Keep in mind the likes and dislikes of your audience before you use any image because an incorrect choice of image might backfire. Keep the post simple.

There is no need to post three times a day or more to your Hubly group. The frequency of your posts has nothing to do with engagement. The content that works best for a Hub is a combination of education and entertainment – or “edu-tainment”:


The ideal frequency of posts should be 1-2 posts per day. When we share just one piece of content each day, then it compels us to share the best content we have instead of everything that we have.


Put time and effort into the type of post you want to share because the Hubly algorithm will perceive your posts as high quality if they receive positive and higher engagement.

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Man on Laptop

7) Follow the Posting Strategy of “Edu-tainment”

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Image by Felicia Buitenwerf

8) Make sure your timing is correct

You need to make sure that the timing of your posts are correct because incorrect timing will lessen the engagement.

You want your Hub members to get notified whenever a new post is added to your group. How do you make that happen? By asking them to turn notifications on. Make it a point to ask all new members who join your group to keep the notification on. 

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Image by Joshua J. Cotten

9) Ask your members to ensure their notifications are on

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Image by Randy Tarampi

10) Like, Comment and Respond to Others

You need to remain on your toes if you wish to see better engagement happening in yourHub. As a Hub admin, you need to take the initiative and consistently like, comment and respond to other members in your group.


This way people become more comfortable with doing the same and engagement will start to happen more and more.

A sense of community is required to make your Hub group stronger. This can happen when you have a mission for the group and every member in your group is working towards achieving the same mission.

Hence, it is important to create a pinned post that clearly states the rules of the group. This will ensure that all the members of the group follow the rules and their behavior do not harm the mission statement.

You must let your members control the Hub by valuing their opinion. You being the admin should not promote things you like and devalue other members’ opinions. Your Hub group should be a place for others to share their thoughts but with limits decided as per the rules of the community.

You must make your community valuable in every sense. It should not be a place for others to promote their products or services. Instead, it should be a place where like-minded people can share something valuable and learn something valuable.

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Community Garden

11) Create a sense of community

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Image by Nathan Dumlao
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Image by Mert Talay


Hubly provides your business with a free hub channel to grow your fan base. You can easily build a like-minded community of people who share the same passion as you and this increases engagement which raises the chance of conversion.

If people are interacting with each other and everything is going well, sit back and concentrate your efforts on promoting the group. Hubs have a lot of potential to take your community or business to the next level.

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